Penghu Travel Route Map One day

Time Itinerary
07:00-09:00 Taiwan Island Airport - Penghu Airport
09:00-09:02 Penghu Airport Station - Take the Penghu Haoxinghu West Line
09:02-13:00 Huxi Scenic Spots (Nanliao Community, Ashy Kiln, Longmen Locked, Penghu Ocean Park Geological Center)
13:00-13:16 Take the Penghu Good Walk bus and get off at (Bus Terminal).
13:16-14:30 Gourmet lunch (seafood restaurant, fritters with scallions, etc.)
14:30-15:30 Magong Attractions (Penghu Tianhou Temple, Siyanjing, Penghu Guanyin Pavilion)
15:30-16:00 Afternoon tea (fairy grass ice (frozen), cactus ice, fengru tea)
16:00-16:50 Purchase souvenirs (brown sugar cake, dried scallop sauce)
16:50-17:10 Bus Terminal - Penghu Airport Station
17:10-19:00 Penghu Airport - Taiwan Main Island Airport